one of the younger representatives of agricultural interests in Ford county,
R. E. Bradbury is none the less prominent. He is operating two hundred and
thirty acres of land on sections 3 and 4, Lyman township, and in addition to
raising the cereals best adapted to soil and climate, he also conducts a
dairy business. He was born in Livingston county, Illinois, September 2,
1875, and is the eldest in a family of three children, whose parents are A.
J. and Christina (Watson) Bradbury, the other members of the family being:
James F., of Ford county; and Ida, the wife of Dan Cowden, a resident of
Nebraska. The father, a native of Massachusetts, accompanied his parents to
Peoria county, Illinois, when a small boy. He settled in Ford county in the
year 1892, at which time he purchased three hundred and ninety acres of land
in the Pan Handle district, this tract being located near Piper City, in
which city he now makes his home.
R. E. Bradbury, whose name introduces this review, was reared as a farm lad, early becoming familiar with the duties of the agriculturist. He was educated in the district schools of Ford county, pursuing his studies in the winter months, while in the summer seasons he assisted in the work of the home farm. He remained under the parental roof until he had attained the age of twenty-three years, when he rented a portion of his father's land and began business on his own account. He is now operating two hundred and thirty acres situated on sections 3 and 4, Lyman township, and in addition to this work is conducting a dairy, in which he is meeting with excellent success, the products of his dairy finding a ready sale on the market, where they command the highest prices. He possesses considerable inventive genius and patented an umbrella holder, August 4, 1903, and has also patented a stove ventilator.
Mr. Bradbury was married in 1905 to Miss Amy Mosher, a native of Ford county, and a daughter of Louis and Margaret Mosher, of German descent. Their family numbers five children. The parents now make their home in Roberts, Illinois. Mrs. Bradbury received a good education, having graduated from the Roberts high school. By her marriage she has become the mother of an interesting little daughter and son, Helen Ethel and Franklin Eugene.
Mr. Bradbury supports the men and measures of the republican party. He is now serving as constable and as school director, in which connections he is giving uniform satisfaction, for his official duties are ever discharged with the same promptness and fidelity that is characteristic of his private interests. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church at Roberts, in the work of which they are deeply interested. They are numbered among the highly esteemed young people of the community, and have a host of warm friends.
Extracted 17 Oct 2016 by Norma Hass from History of Ford County, Illinois, From Its Earliest Settlement to 1908, author E. A. Gardner, Volume 2, pages 744-747.