BIOGRAPHY - Peter Pearson
PEARSON, farmer, and one of the early settlers here, came over to this
country in 1870 as a young man of twenty and located at Sibley from the
first. He was born at Naflinge, Skane, Feb. 27, 1850, and received his
schooling in that locality.
Mr. Pearson was one of the founders of the Swedish Lutheran Church at Sibley in 1879. The congregation has 81 communicant members and church property valued at $2,000. Mr. Pearson has served it as a trustee for a long term of years.
He is married to Elna Olson, born in Ahus parish, Skane, Feb. 27, 1857. Of seven children born to them, the living are: Fanny Elida, Edgar Lawrence, Emily Dorothy, James Walter and Lillian Virginia; the dead, Alice Nora and Edna Viola.
The father of Mrs. Pearson came over in 1862, located in Chicago, removed to Paxton and lived in Ford county until 1880, then removed to Winthrop, Minn., where he is a well-to-do farmer.
Extracted 28 Jan 2017 by Norma Hass from History of Swedes of Illinois, published in 1908, Volume 2, page 192-193.